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Sound of E402B's All Together! E402-126, E402-122 ICN757, E464-085 R4396
Sound Of TrenItalia E402B-The E402-158 detached from the IFT SurboScalo towards the station of Lecce
E402-132 + E402-141 DTS of FB 8801 Venezia S.L. - Lecce
ICN755 DTS E402-13 + E402-144 inactive, comes back at IFT Surbo. ICN765, E402-131 arriving in Lecce.
E402-175 + E402-165 powered off faces a sharp curve after the station of Porto D'Ascoli (AP) Italy
E402-145 In manovra. Sound Azionamenti Inverter a GTO. 25kV ca - 3kV cc
E402-132 + E402-xxx DTS, FB8828 Lecce-Venice S.L. in transit near the river Tronto (AP)
E402.142 + E402.101 in transito a Firenze Statuto
E402-165 heads towards the IFT of Surbo Scalo after having made ICN35539 Turin PN - Lecce
DOPPIA SIMMETRICA con E652.160 ed E402.101 per l'Archimede di RFI, in partenza da Roma Tiburtina!!
E402B-105 in single drive just before San Benedetto Del Tronto as FB8814 Lecce-Milano C.le